
1anna 2mom 3tamara1 4chris 5clovis1 6isaac1 7noelle1
by my grandmother, Anna Dickerson, from my mother when I moved to California for me, by my mother, Mary Price, from corduroy remains of clothes she'd made for the birth of Judy and Dave's Tamara, a baby-block quilt for the wedding of Chris and Andrew for the birth of Nathalie and Joachim's Clovis, kaleidoscope for the birth of Sylvette and Sid's Isaac, a Penrose tile (aperiodic) quilt for the birth of Noelle's baby, irregular log cabin
88henriette1 8emma1 91hallie 92gilles 93zoe1 94allison1 95paolo
for the wedding of Henriette and Jean-Fred for the birth of Leah and Dan's Emma Rose, log cabin barn raising for the birth of Mari and Scott's Hallie, log cabin peacock for the wedding of Gilles and Alex, generalized baby blocks for the birth of Alex and Gille's Zoe, inspired by their china pattern for the birth of Anita and Al's Allison, log cabin basketweave for the birth of Lise and Vince's Paolo, peacock log cabin
for the birth of Abeer and Ali's Nora (inset is Nora at 2 months)